
Pickleball Victoria

To facilitate and grow community connection and passion for Pickleball in Victoria

Passionate volunteers run pickleball Victoria (PV) with many clubs and venues throughout the State. We are looking to support and build on a thriving pickleball community in Victoria, a fast-growing sport available to all ages and abilities. 

Described as a cross between tennis, badminton and table tennis, pickleball was created in the USA in 1965 and has grown to more than 3 million participants worldwide. It was introduced to Australia in 2015 and has gained popularity as a low-impact sport that is easy to learn and play at almost any age but gets fast-paced and exhilarating at competitive levels.

PV was established in 2020 and is recognised by the Pickleball Australia Association (PAA) as the state governing body for the sport.

PV provides oversight for Victoria's advancement, conduct, promotion, and administration of pickleball.  We organise, conduct, and promote pickleball matches, tournaments, championships, events and activities at a State level in Victoria. PV foster the development of training and coaching of players and coaches according to international standards.

PV’s first strategic plan aligns its priorities according to PAA’s strategic plan for 2020-2023 being:

  • Leadership- practices that build a solid platform for the administration of pickleball 

  • Growth- Growing participation, supported by a strong volunteer and member-base

  • Promotion- Active engagement and promotion of pickleball that continues to raise the profile of the sport

  • Pathways- Pathways and competitions that enhance the enjoyment and improvement of all participants, coaches and referees

Passionate volunteers run PV; we are Pickleballers too and wish to see a thriving Pickleball community throughout our towns, state, and country.


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