Getting Started

Pickleball Victoria (PV) is focused on the development of social and competitive play Victoria-wide and realise that central to this is the support of individuals and groups who begin to play in regions all over the state.

Our resources will be focused on supporting such groups of players and we encourage you to CONTACT US for further information.  In the meantime, here are a number of suggestions about how to get started.

Pickleball - Getting Started Guide 

Places To Play...

  • Tennis Clubs are an obvious choice
  • Badminton Centres (they have the right nets and the right lines)
  • Contact your local YMCA, they sometimes have underutilised badminton courts
  • Other Indoor Sports Centres, they often want to fill their spaces with something great like Pickleball
  • Talk to your local councils, they might have vacant ground longing for you to build some pickleball courts
  • OR they might have public tennis courts they’ll let you convert
  • Hotels & Resorts often have courts that need using, show them how to play, & how easy it is to convert a tennis court to a PB court and you’re away
  • A friend’s driveway — your driveway!
  • Your local gym

People to Play With...

  • Contact us to find out if there are others interested in your area
  • Give your friends a call, obviously
  • Advertise in the free local paper
  • Once you have a venue, hold an open day
  • Start a Meet-Up group
  • Talk to your local schools, they often have kids who can’t play footie or rugby but want to play something. Pickleball is easy to learn
  • Stick pamphlets through letterboxes
  • Put notices up on local notice boards
  • Ask your venue to contact their mailing list (it’s more business for them after all)
  • Offer an exhibition if and when you have good players or invite someone from another club to come to yours
  • Chat up the tennis Pros, turn them into Pickleball coaches, you need good coaches to train the good players you will get
  • Can the council help you?
  • Newspapers write articles on new sports, contact the local sports journo
  • Take a stall or table at a local market or Mind, Body, Spirit. Cover it in Pickleball paddles and balls.
  • Subscribe to the USAPA monthly magazine and print out some photos of players hard at it!
  • Have a little sign-up sheet for an open day and offer free lessons for 3 weeks (your choice!)


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