Where to Play?


Metro & Regional



Pickleball Victoria hosts social play sessions in various locations across Victoria. 
These are divided below based on Metro or Regional locations.

Connect with a local club/venue via the details and links below, or email hello@pickleballvictoria.org 

If you know of a venue that is running which is not listed below, please get in touch with us to let us know!

Pickleball Victoria   

President:  president@pickleballvictoria.org - Mark Taylor  

Secretary:  hello@pickleballvictoria.org  - Mike Cain




Ballarat Pickleball Club 

Cost: $5 Members/ $9 Non Members

Day/Times: Mondays 7:30pm (social compeition) Wednesdays 10:30am & Thursdays 10:30am & 6:30pm

Location: Badminton Stadium, Dowling St, Wendouree 

Contact: Rhonda  (03) 5339-4601  ballbadassoc@gmail.com 

Facebook Ballarat Pickleball


Bayside Pickleball Club Inc.


Indoor & Outdoor - Advanced, Intermediate, Novice and Beginners

Location: Indoor Stadium & Outdoor Courts, 221 Thomas St, Hampton, VIC, 3188

Tuesdays (4 indoor courts - advanced intermediate+) 9:30am - 11:30am

Cost: $5 for BPC members, $10 for non-members

Wednesdays Basic standard pickleball 1pm - 2pm

(Indoor all skill levels) 2pm - 4pm and 5:00pm - 6:30pm and 6:45pm - 8:15pm (indoor only)

Cost: $5 for BPC members, $10 for non-members

Saturdays (Indoor - advanced intermediate+) 9am - 11am

Cost: $5 for BPC members, $10 for non-members

(Beginners - transitions from come and try days) 11:15am to 12:15pm

Cost: $5 for BPC members, $10 for non-members

Sundays (Indoor - all skill levels) 1:15pm - 3:15pm and 3:30pm - 5:30pm

Cost: $8 for BPC members, $16 for non-members

Book via Open Sports, https://opensports.net/melbourne-bayside-pickleball-club/events/upcoming

Contact: Judy O'Brien (Secretary)

Email: info@melbournebaysidepickleball.au

Website:  http://www.melbournebaysidepickleball.com.au

Facebook – Bayside Pickleball



Bendigo Pickleball Club 

Cost: $5 for members  & $10 non members

Day/Times: Mondays 1:30pm - 3:30pm and Fridays 10:30am - 12:30pm (Red Energy Arena)

Sundays 9:30am - 11:30am (Catherine McCauley College)

Tuesdays 7:15pm - 9:15pm - Competition Night Teams Event (Catherine McCauley College)

Tuesday nights full for term 3 - term 4 commences 8 October contact below to register interest

Location: Red Energy Arena, 91 Inglis St, West Bendigo, VIC, 3550 (courts 4 and 5)

Catherine McCauley College, 1 St Vincents Rd, Junortoun, VIC, 3551

Contact: bendigopickleball@gmail.com Mob: 0418 302 057

Bendigo Pickleball Club Facebook

Bendigo Pickleball Website

Indoor  wooden floor, 12 courts- all equipment provided

Intermediate & Beginners


Casey Tongan Pickleball Club 

Day/Times: Wednesdays 6pm -9pm(2 Frawley Rd, Eumemmerring VIC 3177)

Saturdays 2pm - 6pm (Fleetwood Primary School, 97 Fleetwood Dr, Narre Warren)

Location: see above

Costs: $10 non-members, $5 for members

Contact: maricetupou11@gmail.com Mob: 0452 516 548

Casey Tongan Pickleball Club Facebook

Indoor  wooden floor, 3 courts

Intermediate & Beginners


Drysdale - Clifton Springs Pickleball Club

Cost: DCSP Members & PV Members - $8.40. /  Visitors - $10

Day/Times: Monday 7 - 9pm  All Levels

Wednesday 7 - 9pm  All Levels

Thursday 8 - 10pm  Intermediate/Advanced

Saturday 9 - 11am  Intermediate/Advanced , 11am  - 1pm All Levels & 1pm - 3pm All levels

Sunday 9 - 11am  & 11am - 1pm  All Levels AND 1pm - 3pm All levels

Location: Drysdale Primary School Hall, Stonehouse Place, Drysdale.

Contact: Viv Daniels - dcspickleballclub@gmail.com - 0406820739

FacebookDrysdale Clifton Springs Pickleball Club

Indoor -  Beginners, Intermediate & Advanced

Geelong Pickleball Club

8 indoor courts

Cost: based on membership tier; from $8 to $10 per 2 hour session

Day/Times: Thursdays 9:30am - 11:30am (social play and coaching)

Fridays 6pm - 9pm: graded round robin games (social, intermediate 2, intermediate 3, advanced)

Sundays 1pm - 3pm (social play and coaching), and also

3pm - 5pm: graded round robin games (social, intermediate 2, intermediate 3, advanced)

Location: YMCA Newtown (The Y), 25-33 Riversdale Rd, Newtown, VIC, 3220

Contact: Patrick Dockhorn (Secretary) - E: info@gpci.au   M: 0434 724 626

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/GeelongPickleballClub

Website: https://geelong-pickleball-club.org.au


Golden Plains Pickleball Club

(Near Ballarat)

Cost: $10 non-members, $5 for members and 2 Hour sessions

Day/Times: Tuesdays and Thursdays from 6pm (School Term)

Location: Woady Yaloak Recreation Centre, Smythesdale

Contact: Andrew - goldenplainspickleball@gmail.com  0427 776 607

Website/socials: www.facebook.com/goldenplainspickleball

Indoor - Intermediate & Beginners


Kinglake Pickleball Club 

Days/Times: Fridays 5:30pm to 7:30pm


4 Sutherland Rd, Kinglake Central, VIC 3757


ContactDamien Lafont damien@countrypickleballacademy.com.au or hello@countrypickleballacademy.com.au


Indoor (2024) / Outdoor (2)


Website: http://kinglakepickleballclub.au


Koondrook Pickleball Club 

Day/Times: via booking only

Location: 62 Forest St, Koondrook VIC 3805

Contact: Jenny Hare - jwhare@bigpond.net.au Mob: 0427 041 057

Outdoor hard surface, 3 courts

Intermediate & Beginners


Manningham Pickleball 

Cost per 2 hour session: $7 members  & $10 non-members


All updated days and times are on the Manningham Pickleball website below 


Book your session with OpenSports app


Leeds Street Sports Centre, Doncaster Reserve

10 Leeds Street Doncaster East

Cost: 2 hour session $7 members and $10 non-members

Indoor - advance, intermediate and beginners

Eltham Leisure Centre

40 Brougham Street, Eltham

Cost: 2 hour session $7 members and $10 non-members

Indoor - advance, intermediate and beginners

Contact: contact@pickleballmanningham.com

Website: https://www.pickleballmanningham.com/

Facebook: Pickleball Manningham

Instagram: Pickleball Manningham

Indoor - Advanced, Intermediate & Beginners


Ocean Grove Pickleball Club

Location: Memorial Hall, 123-27 The Avenue Ocean Grove

Sessions: Indoor Every Day.
Advanced – Intermediate - Beginners
     Free introductory sessions for beginners
Bookings are essential

Contact: Terry Kealey  0408-556-697   ogpickleball@yahoo.com 
Facebook: Ocean Grove Pickleball Club 
     Website: https://oceangrovepickleball.com.au/


4-6 pm  (AL) 8. 30-10.30 am   (IA) 8.00-10.00am (AL) 8.00-10.00a.m.  (HIA) 8-10 am  (AG) 8.30-10.30 am  (AL) 5-6 pm  ( IC)
  10.30 - 12.30     (AL)   12.00–2..00pm  (AL) 12– 2 pm ( IA) 10.30-12.30      (IA)  
      2.00–4.00 pm    (AL)      

AL= All Levels    AG = Ability Groups  IA = Intermediate Advanced  HIA = High Intermediate Advanced      IC = individual Court Hire


Queenscliff Bowling, Tennis and Croquet Club

Cost: $10 per hour for non-members 

Days/Times: Wednesday and Saturday 10am - 12 midday.

Casual court hire avialable. Phone QBTC 5258 1773 to book

Location: 118 Hesse Street, Queenscliff

5 Outdoor courts. Equipment provided

Contact: Peter - 0407 885 763 or Fiona - 0419 397 575


Shepparton Pickleball Club 

Day/Times: Wednesdays 6.30pm - 8:30pm (bookings essential) - 18 years to 70+

Cost: $10 non-members

Location: VISY Community Centre, Parkside Drive, Shepparton VIC 3630

Contact: hello.sheppartonpickleball@gmail.com Mob: 0448 188 111

Register your interest or enquire through email

Indoor wooden floor (stadium), 8 courts

All skills welcomed - from beginners to advanced


Southern Peninsula Pickleball Club

Indoor Venue - 3 courts

Cost: $6 members (SPPC and SCC), Non-Members $12

Day/Times: Mondays & Tuesdays from 1 to 3pm, Thursdays 11.30 to 1.30pm & 7 to 9pm.

SPPC Members Only Skills & Drills are held on Monday and Tuesday 12.25pm to 1pm

Bookings essential - phone 0410 532 810

Location: Sorrento Community Centre, 860-868 Melbourne Road, Sorrento, 3943

Outdoor Venue - 4 courts

Cost: FREE for members  (SPPC), Non-Members $12

Day/Times: Wednesdays - 10am to 12 noon, Fridays 6pm to 8pm, Sundays 9am to 11am

[note: this is the schedule during daylight savings time]

Location: Percy Cerutty Oval, Black Beach Road, Portsea, 3944


Contact: Tracy 0405 151 755 or  southernpeninsulapickleball@gmail.com

Website: www.southernpeninsulapickleballclub.com.au

Instagram: @southernpeninsulapickleball      Facebook: @southernpeninsulapickleballclub

Indoor/Outdoor - Advanced, Intermediate & Beginners  Age Group 16 - 65+



Torquay Pickleball Association Inc.

Cost: $7

May be an image of text that says "Wednesday Thursday Indoor Sessions at Wurdi Baierr Stadium Monday 10.45am- All Levels Tuesday 12.45pm-2.15pm 1st Timers & All Levels 2.30pm-4.00pm Advanced All levels 12.45pm All levels 12.45pm-2.15pm All Levels 2.30pm- Advanced 2nd Sunday of the Month 10.00am -12.00pm 1s Timers Outdoor Sessions at Jan Juc Tennis Courts- weather permitting Sessions expected to resume in Feb/March. Details to be advised."

Due to limited numbers per session, walk-up's are not accepted.
Please contact us at torquaypickleball@gmail.com if you would like to try out or are a visitor from another Australian club (or country) who wishes to join a session.

Once you are a member of Torquay Pickleball, all bookings are made through the Spond app.

Location: Wurdi Baierr Stadium, 36 Wadawurrung Way, Torquay

Contact: torquaypickleball@gmail.com

Facebook - Torquay Pickleball

Indoor - Beginners, Intermediate and Advanced

LogoDescription automatically generated

Wangaratta Pickleball Club


Day/Times: please refer to Wangaratta's website below for dates and times

Location: Wangaratta Hardcourt Tennis Complex

Address: Schilling Drive, Wangaratta

Free for the first 3 matches then $10 per head.
All equipment supplied.

Contact:  Bryan Wilson  wangarattapickleball@gmail.com  

Website: https://wangaratta-pickleball.com.au/  

Facebook - Wangaratta Pickleball

Outdoor - Advanced, Intermediate & Beginners

Warrnambool City Pickleball

Cost: $7

Day/Times: Sundays - 2pm - 3.30pm

Thursdays 10am - 11.30am  & 6pm - 7.30pm

Fridays 10am - 11.30am & 6pm - 7.30pm

Location: Warrnambool Netball Stadium, Caramut Rd, Warrnambool 

Contact: Secretary -  pickleballwarrnambool@gmail.com 

President: David Watson -- 0448 533 392

Facebook - Warrnambool City Pickleball

Indoor - Advanced, Intermediate & Beginners


The Wyndham Eagles

Cost: $7.60

Day/Times: Thursdays 10am-12pm, Sundays 3pm - 5pm, with the support of a Pickleball coach to guide you while you play.

Location: 35 Ballan Rd, Werribee VIC 3030

Contact: stadiumbookings@westernleisureservices.com.au or (03) 8734 5677

Website: https://eaglestadium.wynactive.com.au/pickleball/

Indoor - Intermediate & Beginners

Equipment supplied



ALBERT PARK Pickleball

Location:  Pit Building, 3 Aughtie Dr, Albert Park VIC 3206

Indoor Pickleball 4 - 8 courts available

Cost: $15 per session

SessionsTimes - All sessions are booked on-line. 


  • Thursday Night 6.10- 7.40pm - Beginner level (learn rules and play social matches)

  • Thursday Night 7.40pm to 9.10pm - Intermediate/experienced level

  • Sunday 12 - 2pm     (paddles available)

  • Weekday Casual Bookings available

Contact Alice 0437 421 224.

E:  info@apisc.com.au  for all bookings and more up to date session details


Social sessions: All skill levels welcome

Location: Altona Sports Centre, 1 Andrew Park Drive, Altona Meadows.

Cost: $9.00 per person. Payments made at canteen prior to session


Friday mornings - 10am to 12pm

Saturday nights - 6:30pm to 8:30pm

Sunday mornings - 11:am to 1pm

Court Hire - $25

Monday to Friday - 9:30am to 2:30pm


Cost: Mondays $10, Saturday & Sundays $12

Day/Times: Monday 12:30pm - 2:30pm,  Saturdays 6:30-8:30pm & Sundays 4-6pm

Location: Altona Badminton Centre, Paisley Park,217 Mason St, Altona North

Contact:  9391 0880

Fee includes court hire and use of paddles and balls

Everyone Very Welcome.


Day/Times: Fridays 12:30pm - 2:30pm

Cost: free, but you need to be a member of the Anglesea Tennis Club

Location: Anglesea Tennis Club, 19 Cameron Road, Anglesea, VIC, 3230

Contact: Michael Castaldo (via Facebook messenger)

Socials/Website: https://m.facebook.com/groups/401940182574253/?ref=share&mibextid=NSMWBT


Session Prices:
Adults: $10

Juniors (17 years and under): $5

Contact: Phone - 0413538884   email - jay@pickleballfun.au

Register on OpenSports - https://opensports.net/pickleball-fun

Session Locations:
1. Ashburton Pool and Recreation Centre - 8/42 Warner Ave, Ashburton VIC 3147
- Wednesday 10am to 1pm
- Friday 10am to 1pm
- Friday 5pm to 8pm
- Sunday 10am to 1pm

2. Boroondara Sports Centre - 271C Belmore Road, Balwyn North VIC 3104
- Tuesday 12:30pm to 3:30pm

3. Princess Hill Secondary College - Arnold St, Carlton North VIC 3054
- Friday 6:45pm to 8:45pm
- Saturday 6:45pm to 8:45pm

4. Doncaster Secondary College - 123 Church Road, Doncaster VIC 3108

- Thursday 6:30pm to 9:30pm
- Sunday 7:30pm to 10:30pm

5. Methodist Ladies College - 207 Barkers Road, Kew, 3101

- Sunday 12:30pm to 3:30pm


BALWYN – Boroondara Sports Complex

Location: 271c Belmore Road, Balwyn North 3104

Timetable: Thursdays 9:30am - 12:30pm (during school term), game intro included (9:30am - 10:30am)

Player Level: beginners to high-intermediate 

Courts: 6 indoor courts - wooden floor surface (28 spaces experienced, 4 inexperienced)

Cost: $6.40 for 3hr session, equipment provided

What to Bring: comfy clothing, sports sneakers, snacks, water bottle, hand towel

Contact: (03) 9851 0444 or bsc@ymca.org.au

Bookings required for entry (open Saturday prior):  https://bsc.boroondaraleisure.com.au/stadium/clubs-and-programs



Location: The Y Bannockburn, 132 Milton Street, Bannockburn, 3331

Day/Times: Wednesday 5.00pm to 7.00pm

Cost: $7.50 per session

Ages: 13+.  All sessions are casual - ne need to book, just grab some friends and come along

4 indoor courts, Equipment provided. All skils welcome, from beginners to advanced

Contact:Email: bannockburn@ymca.org.au  Phone: 5281 2316


Website:  YMCA Geelong - Pickleball at the Y Bannockburn!



Bayside Pickleball Club Inc.

Indoor & Outdoor - Advanced, Intermediate, Novice and Beginners

Location: Indoor Stadium & Outdoor Courts, 221 Thomas St, Hampton, VIC, 3188

Tuesdays (4 indoor courts - advanced intermediate+) 9:30am - 11:30am

Cost: $5 for BPC members, $10 for non-members

Wednesdays Basic standard pickleball - 1pm - 2pm

(Indoor - all skill levels) 2-4pm and 5:00pm - 6:30pm and 6:45pm - 8:15pm (indoor only)

Cost: $5 for BPC members, $10 for non-members

Saturdays (Indoor - advanced intermediate+) 9am - 11am

Cost: $5 for BPC members, $10 for non-members

(Indoor - beginners transitioning from come and try sessions) 11:15am - 12:15pm

Cost: $5 for BPC members, $10 for non-members

Sundays (Indoor - all skill levels) 1:15pm - 3:15pm and 3:30pm - 5:30pm

Cost: $8 for BPC members, $16 for non-members

Book via Open Sports, https://opensports.net/melbourne-bayside-pickleball-club/events/upcoming

Contact: Judy O'Brien (Secretary)

Email: info@melbournebaysidepickleball.au

Website:  http://www.melbournebaysidepickleball.com.au

Facebook – Bayside Pickleball


Beaumaris Pickleball

Cost: $10 members, $20 non-members
All equipment provided

SUNDAY 10 am 12 pm
TUESDAY 7 pm - 9 pm

Location: Beaumaris Tennis Club, Corner Tramway Parade &, Cromb Ave, Beaumaris VIC 3193

Contact: Grant Earney 0491 984 947

Bookings via OpenSports

6 x Dedicated Outdoor Courts
Standard: Beginner/Intermediate & Advan

Bentleigh East - GESAC Stadium

Cost: $7.10 per session. Equipment provided

Day/Times: Monday 9:00 – 12:45pm,   Tuesday 9:00 – 12.45pm, Thursday 9:00 - 12:45 and  Friday 8:30 – 11.30                                                                         ** Please check times/availibility during school holidays **

Location: 200 East Boundary Rd, Bentleigh East

Contact: stadium@geleisure.com.au  -  (03) 9575-7134


Indoor - Intermediate & Beginners


Box Hill - Box Hill Indoor Sports Centre

Cost: $10

Day/Times: Refer to their website

Location: 3/9 Clarice Road, Box Hill South, VIC, 3128

Contact: boxhill@actionindoorsports.com.au or (03) 9890 7000

Website: https://boxhillindoorsports.com.au/sports-and-activities/pickleball/

Indoor - Intermediate & Beginners


Casey Pickleball 

Day/Times: Tuesdays 5pm - 7pm (all skill levels), Thursdays 6:00pm - 7:30pm (all skill levels) and again 7:30 - 9:00pm (intermediate)


Tuesdays - Fleetwood Primary School, Fleedwood Drive, Narre Warren

Thursdays - St Margaret's Berwick Grammar School, Gloucester Avenue, Berwick

Costs: $10pp

Contact: pickleballcasey@gmail.com

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=61557614834178

Bookings: https://linktr.ee/pickleballcasey

Indoor wooden floor, equipment provided - all beginners and intermediate sessions

Casey Tongan Pickleball Club 

Day/Times: Wednesdays 6pm -9pm(2 Frawley Rd, Eumemmerring VIC 3177)

Saturdays 2pm - 6pm (Fleetwood Primary School, 97 Fleetwood Dr, Narre Warren)

Location: see above

Costs: $10 non-members, $5 for members

Contact: maricetupou11@gmail.com Mob: 0452 516 548

Casey Tongan Pickleball Club Facebook

Indoor  wooden floor, 3 courts

Intermediate & Beginners


Clifton Hill Tennis Club 

Cost: $10 ,  Clifton Hills Tennis Club Social Members - free

Day/Times: Fridays 7 - 9pm

Sunday 10am - 12midday

Location: Mayors Park Tennis Centre (2 Hoddle Street)

Outdoor - Intermediate & Beginners

Limited to 18 players per session. Bookings essential, online : https://cliftontennis.net/pickleball/

Contact: Joe 0429 933 391  joe@socialhealthaustraila.org  or Anthony - 0432 829 529  


Elsternwick Park Tennis Centre

Social Play: Cost: $15

Day/Times: Wednesday 7.30pm - 9pm & Saturday 1.30pm - 3pm

Location: 464 St Kilda Street, Brighton, 3186

Bookings essential: Link to online booking

Coaching for Adults and Juniors as per the schedule:Pickleball Coaching at Elsternwick

Drill Sessions: details Elsternwick Pickleball

Outdoors. Equipment can be supplied or purchased.

Contact:Phone - 9531 3782 or email: info@eptc.com.au 




Eltham Leisure Centre                                             
40 Brougham Street Eltham
Friday night 7pm - 9pm
$12 per session.

Day/Times: All updated days and times are on the Pickleball Manningham website below 


Book your session with OpenSports app


143 Oherns Road, Epping
Monday to Sunday: 10am - 10pm (bookings recommended - 2 indoor courts available)



$24 per hour - peak and $15 per hour - off peak (equipment included)


$30 per hour - peak and $20 per hour - off peak ($5 for two paddle hire)

Peak and Off-peak times

Peak: Monday-Friday, 4pm - 10pm, and all day Saturday and Sunday

Off-peak: Monday-Friday, 10am - 4pm

Pickleball Alley at SmashX

Pickleball Alley also run sessions at SmashX on Fridays 7:30pm to 9:30pm

Cost: $8 to $12.50

Contact: Alice - 0437 421 224 - pba.est2023@gmail.com

Bookings via OpenSports App: https://opensports.net/pickleball-alley


Phone 03 9424 9269 or email info@smashx.com.au

Bookings via phone, email or online here

Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/Smashxau

Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/smashxau/


Location: VU Aquatic and Fitness Centre, Building L, Victoria University Footscray Park Campus, Ballarat Rd   

Day/Times: Mondays 7:30pm - 9:30pm (Level 4 - during periods this session is used as a league for a 4-week season) Wednesday 6pm - 7:30pm (Level 3) and 8pm - 10pm (Level 4)

Cost: $8 to $12.50 

Contact: Alice Taylor - 0437 421 224 - pba.est2023@gmail.com 

Bookings via OpenSports App: https://opensports.net/pickleball-alley


HEATHMONT - Maroondah Nets

Home to Outer Eastern Pickleball.

Heathmont - Maroondah Nets

Location: Maroondah Nets - 154 Heathmont Rd, Heathmont 3135 

Cost: $6.00 per hour (indoors), $6.50 per session (outdoors)

Indoor & Outdoor - Advanced, Intermediate & Beginners

Please make sure you check this link Maroondah Pickleball for updates on schedule which includes:

  • Indoor social sessions ( up to 12 courts)
  • Outdoor social sessions (up to 12 courts)
  • Beginner lessons
  • Round robins

** Registrations open now for end of year round robins. **

Friday 8th December - 9.15 to 12pm  and Wednesday 13th December - 7pm to 9.45pm

Open (Advanced Players), Intermediate (3.0 -3.5 rating) and Advanced Beginners (2.5 - 3.0)

Use this link for more details including registration: Maroondah Pickleball 


Contact: (03) 9298-4535  maroondahnets@maroondah.vic.gov.au



Location: Mossfield Primary School, 15A Langridge St, Hoppers Crossing

Day/Times: Tuesdays 7pm - 9pm and Fridays 5pm - 7pm 

Cost: $8 to $12.50

Contact: Alice Taylor - 0437 421 224 - pba.est2023@gmail.com

Bookings via OpenSports App: https://opensports.net/pickleball-alley


KINGLAKE Pickleball Club 

Days/Times: Fridays 5:30pm to 7:30pm


4 Sutherland Rd, Kinglake Central, VIC 3757


ContactDamien Lafont damien@countrypickleballacademy.com.au or hello@countrypickleballacademy.com.au


Indoor (2024) / Outdoor (2)


Website: countrytennisacademy.com.au


KEILOR - Basketball and Netball Stadium

Cost: $5.00

Location: Stadium Drive, Keilor

Day/Times: Monday 9am - 12 midday

Contact: (03) 9249 4754 or email kbns@brimbank.vic.gov.au

Indoors. - Paddles supplied

Website: https://www.brimbank.vic.gov.au/leisure-parks-and-facilities/keilor-basketball-netball-stadium


Keysborough – Springers Leisure Centre

Location: Springers Leisure Centre, 400 Cheltenham Road, Keysborough

Days/Times: Mondays and Wednesday 9:30am – 11:30am, and Friday nights 6:30-8:30pm

Cost: Mondays & Wednesday: $10, and Fridays: $15

Contact: Chris Duffy, Springers Leisure Centre (03) 9701 5900 or cduffy@southeastleisure.com.au

Website: https://springersleisurecentre.com.au/pickleball/

Facebook – https://www.facebook.com/springersleisure/

Indoor – Advanced, Intermediate & Beginner



Keysborough - Kingston U3A (Over 50's)

Location: Springers Leisure Centre, 400 Cheltenham Road, Keysborough

Sessions for 2024 resume Friday, 2nd February 10am to 12 noon. School terms only.

You must be a member of Kingston U3A. Further details please contact Marg at margmcd19@yahoo.com


KNOXFIELD - Eastern Indoor Sports Centre

Up to 9 courts available.

Location: 1642 Ferntree Gully Road, Knoxfield, VIC, 3180

Days/Times: Mondays 9:30am - 11:30am & 4:30pm - 6:10pm, Tuesdays 9:30am - 11:30am, Thursdays 9:30am - 11:30am, Fridays 9:30am - 11:30am & 5:30pm - 7:30pm


Contact: (03) 9763 5589


Cost: $10 per person


Website: www.easternindoor.com.au


MADDINGLEY - Moorabool Aquatic and Recreation Centre

4 courts

Location: 23A Taverner Street, Maddingley, VIC, 3340


Days/Times: Mondays 10:00am - 12:00pm and 6:00pm - 10:00pm, Wednesdays 10:00am to 12:00pm and 6:00pm to 10:00pm


Contact: (03) 5367 0876   info@marcmoorabool.com.au 


Cost: $6 adult, $5 concession - court booking $27 per hour


Website/socials: https://www.marcmoorabool.com.au/ - https://www.facebook.com/MARCMoorabool/




Location: Cobblebank Stadium

Day/Times: Fridays 10am - 12pm 

Cost: $8 to $12.50

Contact: Alice Taylor - 0437 421 224 - pba.est2023@gmail.com

Bookings via OpenSports App: https://opensports.net/pickleball-alley


MILDURA - Mildura Sporting Precinct

Location: 684 Deakin Ave, Mildura, VIC, 3500

Days/Times: Any time courts are available - ring or book ahead to secure your spot ( https://booking.mildurasportingprecinct.com.au/)


Contact: (03) 5055 5101


Cost: $17.50 per hour for the court, and $5 for paddle and ball hire


Website: https://mildurasportingprecinct.com.au/





Manningham Pickleball 

Cost per 2 hour session: $7 members  & $10 non-members


All updated days and times are on the Manningham Pickleball website below 


Book your session with OpenSports app


Leeds Street Sports Centre, Doncaster Reserve

10 Leeds Street Doncaster East

Cost: 2 hour session $7 members and $10 non-members

Indoor - advance, intermediate and beginners

Eltham Leisure Centre

40 Brougham Street, Eltham

Cost: 2 hour session $7 members and $10 non-members

Indoor - advance, intermediate and beginners

Contact: contact@pickleballmanningham.com

Website: https://www.pickleballmanningham.com/

Facebook: Pickleball Manningham

Instagram: Pickleball Manningham

Indoor - Advanced, Intermediate & Beginners


Mornington - Civic Reserve Recreation Centre

Cost: $8.90  Equipment provided

Day/Times: Tuesdays and Thursdays: 12.30 - 2.30pm

Sundays 11am-1pm. Social Play

Location: 350 Dunns Road, Mornington

Contact: pboyce@belgravialeisure.com.au (03) 5975-0133

Civic Reserve Recreation Centre

Indoor - Intermediate & Beginners


Pickleball365 (previously Noble Park Pickleball)

Days/times: Mondays 5:30pm - 7:30pm (Dandenong North Rosewood Down Primary) - Advanced beginner/intermediate only $12 

Wednesdays 7pm - 9pm (Noble Park Community Centre) $12

Thursdays 4:30pm - 6:30pm (Endeavour Hills Leisure Centre) $12 and again, 6:30pm - 8:30pm $12

New starters shoudl attend the 6:30pm session for assistance

Bookings: bookings essential via OpenSports: https://opensports.net/pickleball365

Contactnobleparkpickleball@gmail.com Phone: Suzanne 0419 001 138

Outdoor - Beginners & Intermediate


Research Pickleball Club

Up to 10 outdoor turf courts

Cost:$10 (Monday) and $12 (Wednesday)

Day/Times: Mondays from 9:30am, Wednesdays from 7pm

Location: 1459 Main Rd, Research, 3095

Contact: Emma - ebpsychology@outlook.com.au

Socials: Facebook (https://www.facebook.com/share/DfmPa3qmo8cuuH5d/?mibextid=K35XfP)

Website: https://researchtennis.com.au/

RMIT Pickleball Club

Cost: $5 - $10

Day/Times: Sunday Social 1 pm - 5 pm

Paddles and Ball provided

Outdoor: Eight Courts Available
Level: Intermediate & Beginners


Location: 40 A'beckett Street, Melbourne CBD


Website: https://rmitlink.rmit.edu.au/Clubs/Pickleball

Weekly Ticket: https://rmitlink.rmit.edu.au/Clubs/Pickleball/Products

Contact: Pickleball.club@rmit.edu.au

Facebook Chat - https://www.facebook.com/messages/t/24110905745167533
Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/pickleball.melbourne/




Paynesville Tennis Club

AJ Freeman Reserve, Main Road, Paynesville, 3880

Cost - $10 per hour

Day/Times: Thursdays 2pm - 4pm, Sundays 10am - 12pm

Book online via MSAC portal : play.tennis.com.au/paynesvilletennisclub

When you book, you will receive a gate access pin via email or SMS.



NPL Pickleball: The Jar is open to the public

Location: 29 White Street, South Melbourne.

Hours of operation: Monday - Friday 6am to 10pm and Saturday & Sunday 7am to 6pm

Play  on the only purpose built indoor pickleball courts in Australia.

Book all 4 courts online via:  www.nplpickleball.com.au  Paypoint.com Or download PlaybyPoint app and search for NPL - South Melbourne

Mondays: Singles league 6pm - 8.30pm  Wednesday Teams League: 6pm - 10pm

Register via the npl website: www.nplpickleball.com.au



Queenscliff Bowling, Tennis and Croquet Club

Cost: $10 per hour for non-members 

Days/Times: Wednesday and Saturday 10am - 12 midday.

Casual court hire avialable. Phone QBTC 5258 1773 to book

Location: 118 Hesse Street, Queenscliff

5 Outdoor courts. Equipment provided

Contact: Peter - 0407 885 763 or Fiona - 0419 397 575


Rowville Community Centre

Senior Sports Program - for players over the age of 50

Cost: $7.00 per session

Day/Times: Mondays - 1 - 3pm - All levels

                    Tuesdays - 10 - 12pm - All levels

                    Thursdays - 10am-12pm - Intermediate & 1pm - 3pm Advanced

All Ages Social Pickleball

Tuesday - 8pm - 9.30pm (during school term) Cost $9.50

Location: Rowville Community Centre, Fulham Rd, Rowville

Contact: 9763 7400 or email rcc@knox.vic.gov.au

Indoor - Advanced, Intermediate & Beginners as above


Rowville - Knox U3A

Cost: Contact Knox U3A - Closed group for U3A members only

Day/Times: Tuesdays 1:30-3:30pm

Location: Rowville Community Centre, Fulham Rd, Rowville

Join, register and enquire through U3A Knox 


Somerville Recreation Centre

Cost: $8.90 per session.  Equipment provided

Day/Times: Mondays 9:30-11:30am ( bring a friend) , Tuesdays 12:30-2:30pm, Wednesdays 12:30-2:30pm & Thursdays 6pm to 10pm

(Stadium is closed onPublic Holidays) **Please check availabilty during school holidays**

Location: Somerville Recreation Centre, 14 Edward Street, Somerville

Contact: pboyce@belgravialeisure.com.au (03) 5974-7800

Indoor - Intermediate & Beginners 


Southern Peninsula Pickleball Club

Indoor Venue - 3 courts

Cost: $6 members (SPPC and SCC), Non-Members $12

Day/Times: Mondays & Tuesdays from 1 to 3pm, Thursdays 11.30 to 1.30pm & 7 to 9pm.

SPPC Members Only Skills & Drills are held on Monday and Tuesday 12.25pm to 1pm

Bookings essential - phone 0410 532 810

Location: Sorrento Community Centre, 860-868 Melbourne Road, Sorrento, 3943

Outdoor Venue - 4 courts

Cost: FREE for members  (SPPC), Non-Members $12

Day/Times: Wednesdays - 10am to 12 noon, Fridays 6pm to 8pm, Sundays 9am to 11am

[note: this is the schedule during daylight savings time]

Location: Percy Cerutty Oval, Black Beach Road, Portsea, 3944


Contact: Tracy 0405 151 755 or  southernpeninsulapickleball@gmail.com

Website: www.southernpeninsulapickleballclub.com.au

Instagram: @southernpeninsulapickleball      Facebook: @southernpeninsulapickleballclub

Indoor/Outdoor - Advanced, Intermediate & Beginners  Age Group 16 - 65+


Narrandjeri Pickleball Club

Indoor Venue - 4 courts

Cost: $7 members, Non-Members $10

Narrandjeri Stadium

Day/Times: Mondays 10am - 12pm, Wednesdays 6am - 8am and 10am - 12pm, Fridays 6am - 8am and 10am - 12pm

Location: Narranderi Stadium, Darebin Rd, Thornbury


Darebin Community Sports Stadium (DCSS)

Day/Times: Fridays 6:30pm - 8:30pm, Saturdays 7:30pm - 9:30pm

Location: Reservoir High School, Plenty Road, Reservoir


Round Robin - Club Tournaments

Each school term, an 8-week round robin course is played. For more infomration, please see the website below. These sessions will not be open for casual play during these times.


Contact: Narrandjeri Stadium info@narrandjeristadium.com.au or 03 9989 5800

Website: https://darebinstadiums.com.au/pickleball/



The Wyndham Eagles

Werribee - Eagle Stadium

Cost: $7.60

Day/Times: Thursdays 10am-12pm, Sundays 3pm - 5pm, with the support of a Pickleball coach to guide you while you play.

Location: 35 Ballan Rd, Werribee VIC 3030

Contact: stadiumbookings@westernleisureservices.com.au or (03) 8734 5677

Website: https://eaglestadium.wynactive.com.au/pickleball/

Indoor - Intermediate & Beginners

Equipment supplied





Ballarat Pickleball 

Cost: $5 Members/ $9 Non Members

Day/Times: Mondays 7:30pm (social compeition) Wednesdays 10:30am & Thursdays 10:30am & 6:30pm

Location: Badminton Stadium, Dowling St, Wendouree 

Contact: Rhonda  (03) 5339-4601  ballbadassoc@gmail.com 

Facebook - Ballarat Pickleball

Indoor - Intermediate & Beginners


Bendigo Pickleball Club 

Cost: $5 for members & $10 for non-members

Day/Times: Sundays 9:30am - 11:30am, Mondays 1:30pm - 3:30pm and Fridays 10:30am - 12:30pm

Location: Red Energy Arena, 91 Inglis St, West Bendigo, VIC, 3550 (courts 4 and 5)

Contact: bendigopickleball@gmail.com Mob: 0418 302 057

Bendigo Pickleball Club Facebook

Bendigo Pickleball Club Website

Indoor wooden floor, 12 courts- all equipment provided

Intermediate & Beginners



Cost: $TBA

Day/Times: Mondays 7pm

Location: Camperdown Community Stadium, 2 Fuller St, Camperdown

Contact: Nicole  (03) 5593-3362  Nicole.Oberin@corangamite.vic.gov.au  

Indoor - Intermediate & Beginners




 Drysdale - Clifton Springs Pickleball Club

  Cost: DCSP Members & PV Members - $8.40  /  Visitors - $10

 Day/Times: Monday 7-9pm  all levels, Wednesday 7-9pm  all levels, Thursday 8-10pm  inter/advanced,

Saturday 9-11am  inter/advanced,      11am - 1pm All levels    and 1pm - 3pm All levels                  

Sunday 9 - 11am & 11am - 1pm all levels   11am - 1pm All levels and   1pm - 3pm  All levels

  Location: Drysdale Primary School Hall, Stonehouse Place, Drysdale.

  Contact: Viv Daniels - dcspickleballclub@gmail.com - 0406820739

Facebook - Drysdale Clifton Springs Pickleball Club

Indoor - Beginners, Intermediate and Advanced


Inverloch Community House

Days/Times:  Tuesdays: 10 week term 10am - 12midday. Must book in advance $35/term for Community House members & $50 non members. 

Casual sessions - $5 : Thursday 7pm to 8pm & Sunday 3 - 4.30

Contact: Inverloch Community House- 5674 2444


Koondrook Pickleball Club 

Day/Times: via booking only

Location: 62 Forest St, Koondrook VIC 3805

Contact: jwhare@bigpond.net.au Mob: 0427 041 057

Outdoor hard surface, 3 courts

Intermediate & Beginners


Lakes Entrance

Cost: $10 - $5 for tennis club members

Day/Times: Fridays:- Social Play 10am - 12md,  Sundays:- Social /Competition 2pm - 4pm

Location: Lakes Entrance Tennis Club, 54 Palmers Rd, Lakes Entrance

Contact: Mike Spruzen 0412 517 700


Norlane West 

Cost: $TBA 

Day/Times: Sundays 10am to 11.30am

Location: Leisuretime Sports Precinct, Badminton Hall, 262 Anakie Rd, Norlane West 

Contact: Forrest  0491-753-509

Indoor - Intermediate & Beginners


Rutherglen Pickleball 

Cost: $TBA

Day/Times: Wednesdays 7:30pm

Location: Henderson Pavilion, 171 High St, Rutherglen

Contact: Geoff O'Dwyer  0424-161-488   goddi18a@bigpond.com   

Indoor - Intermediate & Beginners


Shepparton Pickleball Club 

Day/Times: Wednesdays 6.30pm - 8:30pm (bookings essential) - 18 years to 70+

Cost: $10 non-members

Location: VISY Community Centre, Parkside Drive, Shepparton VIC 3630

Contact: hello.sheppartonpickleball@gmail.com Mob: 0448 188 111

Register your interest or enquire through email

Indoor wooden floor (stadium), 8 courts

All skills welcomed - from beginners to advanced


Smythesdale - Golden Plains Pickleball - (Near Ballarat)

Cost: $5

Day/Times: Tuesdays and Thursdays from 6pm (School Term)

Location: Woady Yaloak Recreation Centre, Smythesdale

Contact: Andrew - andrew.d.j.cronin@gmail.com    phone - 0427 776 607

Indoor - Intermediate & Beginners



Cost: $TBA 

Day/Times: Fridays 7pm

Location: Timboon Sporting Centre, 11 Hamilton St, Timboon

Contact: Nicole  (03) 5598-3445  Nicole.Oberin@corangamite.vic.gov.au  

Indoor - Intermediate & Beginners



                              Torquay Pickleball Association Inc

                                                    Cost: $7


May be an image of text that says "Wednesday Thursday Indoor Sessions at Wurdi Baierr Stadium Monday 10.45am- All Levels Tuesday 12.45pm-2.15pm 1st Timers & All Levels 2.30pm-4.00pm Advanced All levels 12.45pm All levels 12.45pm-2.15pm All Levels 2.30pm- Advanced 2nd Sunday of the Month 10.00am -12.00pm 1s Timers Outdoor Sessions at Jan Juc Tennis Courts- weather permitting Sessions expected to resume in Feb/March. Details to be advised."

Due to limited numbers per session, walk-up's are not accepted. Please contact us at torquaypickleball@gmail.com if you would like to try out or are a visitor from another Australian club (or country) who wishes to join a session.

Once you are a member of Torquay Pickleball, all bookings are made through the Spond app.

Location: Wurdi Baierr Stadium, 36 Wadawurrung Way, Torquay

Contact: torquaypickleball@gmail.com

Facebook - Torquay Pickleball

Indoor - Intermediate & Beginners


Traralgon  - Gippsland Regional Indoor Sports Centre

Cost: $5

Day/Times: Mondays  and Fridays 10am-12pm

Location: Gippsland Regional Indoor Sports Centre - Catterick Crescent, Traralgon

Contact: STADIUM - (03) 5176 3000 or GRISS@latrobe.vic.gov.au

Facebook - Latrobe Leisure 

Indoor - Intermediate & Beginners


Wangaratta Pickleball Club  

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Day/Times: please refer to Wangaratta's website below for dates and times

Location: Wangaratta Hardcourt Tennis Complex

Address: Schilling Drive, Wangaratta

Free for the first 3 matches then $10 per head.
All equipment supplied.

Contact:  Bryan Wilson  wangarattapickleball@gmail.com  

Website: https://wangaratta-pickleball.com.au/  

Facebook - Wangaratta Pickleball

Outdoor - Advanced, Intermediate & Beginners




Warrnambool City Pickleball  -

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Cost: $7 for each 1.5 hour session

Day/Times: Sunday 2pm, Thursdays 10am & 6pm, Fridays 10am & 6pm

Location: Warrnambool Netball Stadium, Caramut Rd, Warrnambool 

Contact: Secretary -  pickleballwarrnambool@gmail.com 

President: David Watson - 0448 533 392


Facebook - Warrnambool City Pickleball

Indoor - Advanced, Intermediate & Beginners

Waurn Ponds

DeakinACTIVE Fitness Centre Waurn Ponds

Cost:      $21 per hour per court hire with equipment included, casual use

Day/Times: Opening hours Mon-Thurs 7am-8pm, Fri 7am-6pm, Sat 9am-12pm, Sun 12pm-3pm – subject to current bookings and availability. Please call to confirm.

Location: DeakinACTIVE, Building DA, 75 Pigdons Rd, Waurn Ponds (off Alfred Deakin Drive)

Contact: DeakinACTIVE Reception 03 5227 2711 or email: waurnponds@deakinactive.com.au


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