
Step 1/6: Let's get started
Step 1/6: Let's get started

Welcome New and Returning Members

To register or renew, click the relevant link at the bottom of the page and complete the registration process.  

  • If you play with a club, select that club on the 1st dropdown, then the relevant fee for that club on the 2nd dropdown. (Note: You can only register with one club online, so select the club that is your main club. If you play with another club/s regularly, contact them directly in regards to any payment of club fees.)
  •  If you do not play with an affiliated club, select Pickleball Victoria on the 1st dropdown, then PV Adult/Senior/Junior (with no affiliated club) on the 2nd dropdown.

Terms and Conditions

In registering as a member you undertake to agree to the following Terms and Conditions of Pickleball Australia, the national body which are at


I understand and will adhere to the policies and guidelines, as applicable, provided by Pickleball Australia Association Limited, its affiliated State Member Associations and the affiliated Club Associations.

I further declare:

  1. I consider myself to be physically fit and capable of full participation and agree to notify my nominated association if this changes.  Furthermore, in the event I am injured I give permission for event organisers to obtain emergency medical treatment on my behalf.
  2. At pickleball events I will be responsible for monitoring my health status, warming up before sessions, hydrating to maintain fluids during sessions and cool down after sessions.  I will follow directions from Event Hosts at any pickleball events attended.

I have read and understand the Code of Conduct on the PAA website under Resources>Policies at

(Lodgement of this application is taken as a signature to this declaration)

Current INDIVIDUAL member benefits include, but are not limited to:

  • Becoming a valued member of the Pickleball Victoria / Australia Community.
  • Helping to Support the Growth and Development of Pickleball in Victoria. 
  • Access the Pickleball Vic Facebook Group and receive the Pickleball Vic Member Only Newsletter 
  • Access Member-Only Discounts from Affiliated Businesses, Sponsors, Venues, Coaches, Suppliers.
  • Eligibility to play in Pickleball Australia sanctioned tournaments eg Vic Open
  • Insurance Cover (Public Liability Australia Wide)
  • Sports Personal Accident insurance (coverage Australia-wide at PAA/ PV affiliated clubs and PV Sanctioned Events)

Please contact Mike Cain - Pickleball Victoria Secretary at if you have any questions.


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